PorcaoGrill – Coastal Grilling & BBQ

Dedicated to BBQ of Coastal Regions Throughout the World

Smoked Striped Mullet (aka Biloxi Bacon)

Out of South Florida, there is one dish that is not only popular in the south, but north of Florida and up into Louisiana. Striped mullets are mostly considered the perfect fish bait for most fishermen, but some local folks have discovered a magic trick for transforming this otherwise bottom-feeding fish into a real delicacy. […]

Country-style Pork Ribs in Dutch Oven – South Florida Style

Another great meal to make for your friends and family if you like barbecue, is this little treat from South Florida. This uses country-style pork ribs and is very different than most traditional BBQ rib recipes. As you’ll find, this recipe uses a large Dutch oven to cook the meat but is finished off on […]

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